Frequently asked questions

+ What is Alma Riding?

Alma Riding is a horse touring platform that connects riders with horseback touring operators that offers guided horseback tours through scenic trails and beautiful landscapes.

+ How can I book a horse for riding or other activities?

Booking a horse on our platform is easy. Simply navigate to the booking section of our website, select the date and time you wish to ride, choose the type of activity, and proceed with the payment through our secure Stripe payment system.

+ Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Sure. Your paid subscription can be canceled anytime by shifting to lit plan

+ Can I change my plan later on?

Absolutely! We understand that your needs may change over time. You can upgrade or downgrade your plan according to your preferences. Just reach out to our customer support team, and they will assist you in making the necessary changes.

+ Can I request a refund?

Refund policies may vary depending on the specific circumstances. We strive to ensure customer satisfaction, so if you encounter any issues or have valid reasons for requesting a refund, please contact our customer support team. They will review your request and assist you accordingly.

+ Do you offer any discounts?

We periodically offer discounts and promotions to our valued customers. These may include seasonal discounts, group booking discounts, or special offers for loyal customers. Stay tuned to our website and subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates on any available discounts or promotions.

+ Is previous horse riding experience required?

No prior horse riding experience is necessary. We welcome riders of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced equestrians. Our experienced staff will ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable riding experience, regardless of your level of expertise.

+ Are helmets and other riding gear provided?

Please check each activity you are interested in, the operator usually states in the description what is included.

+ What is the minimum age requirement for the tours?

The minimum age requirement is 10 years old. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

+ Are there any length requirements for activities?

No, it’s up to the tour operator to decide how long any activity should be. But the length of an activity needs to correlate with what is stated in the activity description.

+ What happens if it rains during the tour?

You can still conduct the tour if it is raining lightly. However, if there is heavy rain or thunderstorms, the tour may be canceled for a full refund or rescheduled for a later date.

+ Are snacks included in the tour price?

If not stated in the description snacks/lunch is most likely not provided